Itillegg har teamet fra UWP lekt med barna på Afternoon- activities to dager, og vist masse kjærlighet til barna! Vi setter pris på deres arbeid og hjelp disse ukene! Og konserteni går var fantastisk! Barna fra slummen var bergtatte, og de som fikk spille, danse og synge på scenen var kanonheldige og stolte:) Bilder kommer neste artikkel- så følg med!!! Up with people er ikke religiøst, og jeg tror det er bra at folk herfra ser at det kan komme ung folk fra hele verden som vil hjelpe uten religiøse motiver eller bakgrunner. Be om Guds velsignelse over dem individuelt som var her, over organisasjonen som gjør så mye godt rundt omkring, og for "frukten av deres arbeid", selv om deres intensjoner ikke var av religiøst aspekt!
7 days spread out in three weeks, a team from "Up with people" (see has been to Immanuel church and Home of Praise, helping out in our church and day-nurseries! They have done sooo much in so little amount of time- WE ARE TRULLY GREATFUL AND IMPRESSED BY YOUR WORK AND CAPASATY! It`s great that the people around here see young people from all over the world, that do not have a religious aspect, helping out like you have!!!
Teaching the 4- year olds the alphabet, playing, singing....
This is the oldest class, the 5 and turning 6 year olds! Also learning the alphabet with songs, puzzles, competitions...During the 7 days the team had with them, the kids went through the alfhabet many times, the numbers, self-presentation, colours and bodyparts. But the most importance was all the love the team gave the kids! And how much fun the kids had having some visitors and new teachers!!
Two afternoons the team joined the Afternoon- activities at Home of Praise. They played badminton, soccer/ footbal, shot goals, trixed, laughed and played around. Again showing the kids in the slum- neighbourhoud of HOP love, attension and respect!
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